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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Posted by Unknown 23:59 No comments
Engineering is the discipline art and profession that applies scientific theory to design,develop and analyze technological solutions about engineering education,it is activity of teaching knowledge and principales related to the professional practice of engineering.It includes the intial education for becoming an engineering.
·        Engineering education has many branches and new braches evolve in due of advancment of technology.this section consist of brief konwledge of the major basic branches.

       I.            Mechanical Engineering(ME):It is one of the oldest and brodest engineering stream.Mechanical branch is the branch of engineering that involves the producation and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design,producation and operation of machines and tools.

In engineering education,mechanical engineers require a solid understanding of key concepts including mechanics,kinematics,thjermodynamics,energy and manufacturing.

Work Field:They use these principles in the design and anallyzing of automobiles,aircraft,heating and cooling systems,building and bridges,industrial equipment & machinery and many more.

     II.            Electrical Engineering(EE):Electrical is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity,electrons and electromagnetism.
In engineering education,electrical engineers are considered to deal with the problems associated with systems such as electric power transmission and electrical machines.they are usually concerned with using electricity to transmit electric power.

Work Field: engineering education,Electical engineers have contributed to the development of a wide range of technologies.they design,develop,test and supervise the development of electrical systems and electronic devices.

  III.            Electronics & Communication Engineering(ECE):Electronics and communication engineering is a swiftly advancing field,with new ideas emerging every other second.the term denotes a broad engineering field that covers important subfields such as analog electronics,digital electronics,consumer electronics,embedded systems and power electronics.
In engineering education,electronics engineers design and test circuits that use the electromagnetic properties of electrical components such as resistors,capacitors,inductors,diodes and transistors to achieve a particular functionality.

Work Field:electronics engineering deals with implementation of application,principles and alogorithms developed within many relted fields,for examples:solid-state physics,radio engineering,telecommunications,control systems,signal processing,system engineering,electric power control,robotics.

  IV.            Electronics Instrumentation & Control(EIC): It is associated part of the eletronics engineering.EIC is loosely defined the required tasks are very domain dependent.
In engineering education,EIC engineers are focus on the principal of measuring instruments that are used in design and configuration of automatrial systems in electrical,pneumatic domain.

Work Field:they are commonly responsibal for integrating the sensors with the records,transmitters,displays or control systems.The may be responsibal for calibration,testing and maintenance of the systems

    V.            Computer  Science & Engineering(CSE):Computer engineering is adiscipline that integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer science required to develop computer hardware and software.
In engineering education,computer engineers include writing software,designing VLSI chips,designing analog sensors,designing mixed signal circuit boards and designing operating systems and they are also suited for robotics research.

Work Field:Computer software engineers develop design and test software.some software engineers design,constract and maintain computer programs for companies.
Most of computer hardware engineers reasearch,develop,design and test various computer equipment.

  VI.            Information Technology(IT):The web has changed the way the worlds looks at information technology is the applicationof computers and telecommunication equipment to store,retrieve,transmit and manipulate data.
In engineering education,information technology engineers focus on meeting the needs of users within anorganizational and societal context through the selection,creation,application,integration and adminstration of computing technologies.

Work Field:IT specialists assume responsibility for selecting products appropriate for an organization,integration those products with organizational needs and infrastructure and installing,customissingand
maintaining those applications for the organization’s computer users.
“Innovation is not just about discovery it’s about the application of discoveries to create value of some kind”
By YASH(YesAskSoHelp)http://yesasksohelp.blogspot.in/


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