YASH is an acronym for Yes Ask So Help. The purpose of the site is to help you take maximum advantage of the software tools and web technologies at your disposal so that you spend more time doing things your really love.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Posted by Unknown 17:01 No comments

The effect of getting a lot of guest posts on the web in a relatively small amount of time really hit on the time-sensitive aspect of Google rankings. See, Google tracks trends. If you’re mentioned once or twice online it’s really no big deal and Google doesn’t blink. But if they index a new site and it’s all of a sudden getting mentioned 30-40 times a day, they’ll notice. The effect is Google may decide to index your pages more quickly.

And who says the process of building PageRank has to be a slow one? :)

Conclusion: Alright I think that’s enough
Alright guys, I think that’s enough on SEO for one evening. Make sure to come early to class tomorrow and bring your calculators. The test will cover linking strategies, the history of PageRank, and the evolution of Matt Cutts’ hair styles.

Haha, I’m not a teacher, maybe someday. I really hoped this helped explain how to build a good, strong PageRank with limited resources in a small amount of time. You can absolutely replicate these effects if you plan well enough. I’d seriously recommend getting a whiteboard too.

Make sure to drop a comment if you have something to say.
Yash Bhandari

Posted by Unknown 16:59 No comments
Hi there,
This is YASH(YesAskSoHelp)

Do you want more comments on your blog? Let’s assume you already know how valuable comments are to your blogging experience. But how do you get more of them? Here are 31 ways to increase comments on your blog. Some are concepts I use regularly on my own blogs. Others I know about from watching other bloggers. (Note that I don’t necessarily endorse all methods. You have to decide what is right for you.)

Take a Stand – Most bloggers wallow in moral cowardice because they fear backlash. Take some time to outline your beliefs on an issue that matters to you and publish your thoughts. (Do this sooner rather than later. It’s best to get the mistakes out of the way while you have a smaller audience.) Readers love watching to see if you’ll lose your cool in the comments of a post. (You will the first few times. It comes with the territory.)
Ask For Help – Do you have a problem that you could use some help with? From athletes foot to banana bread, most readers are happy to look your question up in google and give you some resulting tips in a comment. (Asking for medical advice online is high on the scale of bad ideas unless it’s a medical community site…good for lots of comments and a follow-up post though!)

Attack Somebody – If you’ve got beef with somebody, publish it! Know the difference between a flagrant attack and a thoughtful post that calls another’s behaviors or beliefs into action. Both will get a lot of comments but the first might garner a lawsuit. (I call this an “attack” because readers will nearly always view a post that includes names as an attack even if the content is very much about a concept and not a person. Know what you’re stepping into.)

Congratulate Somebody – There’s a lot of arrogance online and any post that says, “I want you to check out this person and here’s why” will often win some comments about how much of a nice person you are. (Sure, you could be posting about somebody because you care about them…but there are many non-public ways to show you care that are often considered more meaningful. Go ahead and post to boost your own brand, just make sure you reach out to the people you care about in a genuine way.)

Link Up – It doesn’t take much time to incorporate a few links into your posts and most blog platforms automatically notify the sites you linked to. If you want to go the extra mile, take a quick look at the sites you’re linking to and use terms related to their sites in your links. This is a great way to get noticed by larger sites that know enough about SEO to appreciate your effort. (Know that any comments you get from big blogs you link to will often be short and add little to the conversation. They’re just tagging you back…which is the point of your links anyhow.)

Disappear – Most bloggers post too often.  They start getting regular comments and decide to increase their posting schedule from weekly to twice weekly or even daily. If you’ve bludgeoned your readers with too much content lately, take a break. Disappear for a week or two and come back with a really thoughtful post. They’ll welcome you back with open arms. (Posting thoughtful content less frequently is a much better way to build a vibrant community than retching rubbish onto an RSS feed. The internet will be okay if you don’t post for a bit.)

Avoid Guest Posts – You’re not a genius editor with a huge network of willing writers who trust you to make sensible changes to their articles. Until that declaration no longer applies to you, hold off on the guest posts and focus on creating content that makes sense of your own ideas. (You can get the community jollies of guest posting by trading articles for edits/suggestions before posting your article on your own blog.)

Accept Guest Posts – If you can find somebody with a great social network who doesn’t blog regularly, ask them to write a guest post for your blog. They’ll be excited about posting on a blog and push their entire network to read and comment on the article. (Quality doesn’t matter so much. You’re just cashing in on the “first post” rush that every blogger gets on a new blog…except you’re hijacking it for your own blog. Snazzy!)

Try Different Media – If you always publish text posts, try making a video or drawing a cartoon to make your point. If you’ve been messing around with photoshop and have some cool cat-zebra mashups that you’re proud of, post away! (If you decide to do a video, PLEASE don’t begin with, “well, I wanted to talk to you about …. today.” Just get into your topic and rock it.)

Kill Your Retweet Button – Giving people an easy-out is, some would argue, a comment-killer. Give your readers only one way to respond and they’ll be more likely to take it. (This only works well if you’ve got amazing content and are hoping to snag the fence-sitting readers who know they want to respond but aren’t ready to commit to a comment.)

Kill Friendly Spam – Disqus, Chat Catcher, Twitback, etc all pull luscious bits of rubbish from various platforms and splooge them into your comment thread. Clear out the noise and let your readers know you’re serious about interaction and don’t just want to grease the slide for whatever comments come your way. (When readers think you value their input, they’re more likely to return and participate in multiple discussions on your blog.)

Add Friendly Spam – If you’re looking just to boost comment counts and not discussion quality, there are a lot of friendly spam-gathering plug-ins available to pull social media reactions into your comment thread. (If you’re of the “more is better no matter what” school of thought, this is probably the best route to getting your comment count up.)

Add a Retweet Button – If you’ve decided to go with #12, you’ll want to add the RT button so you can accelerate the Twitter-blog-Twitter visitor cycle. Every tweet is a “comment” so push, push! (I’m using an ordered list that makes me have a #13 and I’m pretending to be superstitious today….bear with me.)

Ask for comments - Email friends, beg on Facebook, promise to film naughty twitvid’s in exchange for comments. Remember when you posted your very first article and begged your friends to read it and comment? It works even better now that you’ve got some friends who actually know what a blog is! (This actually works. I had a friend email me earlier asking for a comment on an article she’d written that was in an area of interest for me. Guess what? I commented gladly!)

Close comments – Not on all of your posts. Just on some of them. If you post regularly but have trouble keeping interaction levels high, it might be a good idea to close comments on the blurbs and silly pieces so your readers know when you’d especially like their input. (If you’re a “social media blogger,” beware of closing comments. People will say you’re anti-interaction and throw moist cybertowelettes at you.)

Respond to comments – Seriously, if you’re deciding between leaving comments on another blog and responding to comments on your own blog, choose your blog. If you can’t carry a conversation in your own home it doesn’t make much sense to try and start them in other places. Responding to remarks on your own blog lets readers know that you are truly listening and care about what they have to say. Obviously, that will often lead to more comments and repeat visits. (Don’t look to “A-listers”–especially in social media–for examples of good behavior when it comes to comments. They’re busy doing other things.)

Extend Comments – If you get a bee in your bonnet while reading another blog, don’t waste your passion in a long comment. Put your thoughts into an article for your own blog and link back to it in a short comment on the post that inspired you. “Extending” a conversation in this way means more comments for everybody involved. (Linking back to the inspiring post is good business and makes up for any self-promotion you might have done in the comment that linked to your article.)

Write About Death – The deaths of blogging, twitter, social media, advertising, traditional media, and celebrities are all good comment-catching topics. Even a thoughtful post about death in general would do quite well as it’s something most of us think about on a regular basis. (Writing an article about how you wish death on a particular person is a bad idea.)

Write About Life – Find something that inspires you and write the living daylights out of it. Not only will you enjoy the process but readers will often pick up on your enthusiasm and choose to rock out with you in the comments section of your article. (If you’ve been writing about death recently, try stirring up the morgue with a few posts about thriving existence.)

Write About Your Fears – Is there something besides death, failure, and drowning that scares you? Fear is something we all have in different amounts regarding different things. If you have a morbid fear of choking on celery, open up and share it with your readers. Most won’t directly identify with your particular fear but, between the laughs and jokes, you’ll find a level of connection you’d miss out on with an article about your strengths. (Readers generally respond to articles that portray some sort of risk to the author. Take a risk and enjoy the comments!)

Write About A Failure – People love observing disasters. There’s nothing more enjoyable than reading about somebody crashing and burning when you know that they’re okay now so it’s alright to enjoy the story. “What I learned from burning my own house down” is a title sure to gather comments. (If it’s coupled with a post about the promised events.)

Curse Often – Shock and awe is a tactic used by many bloggers who have trouble producing quality content. You can often make up for bad writing by cursing a lot and using odd flips in logic to keep readers guessing and entertained. Readers who find you disgusting will comment as will all the readers who find you terribly amusing. Comments galore! (I don’t adopt this tactic personally but I know of many bloggers who use it regularly.)

Buy Comments – Using comments as a way to enter for a great prize is fail-safe way to get comments. If you want to force readers to surrender some value in exchange for your sweet schwag, make them respond to a thought-provoking question in their comment. (In spite of all the schwag hag hooplah circulating, I think give-aways can actually be leveraged into something that’s good for a blog-centric community.)

Start a Comment Cluster – Groups of bloggers who always comment on each other’s articles are great for higher comment counts. Coment clusters form naturally over time but can be built with a little push and thoughtful effort on your part. Start out with one blogger and work your way up until you’ve got 10-15 bloggers in your cluster. (This only works if you have a group of bloggers that post articles with the same frequency. Otherwise one blogger “gets” more out of the deal and things go sour.)

Trade Comments – Come right out and offer to leave a comment on any article chosen by readers who leave comments on your blog. Most comments are left out of either interest or a sense of reciprocity. Acknowledging the reciprocity and taking the initiative to leverage it into more comments for your blog is an effective way to boost comments. (Just be ready to read some really weird stuff and post comments on blogs you might not read otherwise.)

Write About Blogging – If you’ve come across something useful or have an idea about blogging in general, the blogging community is introspective enough to happily clamber all over your article. Blogging about writing often has similar results. There are so many different ways to go about writing articles and publishing them on the web that sharing your perspective is certain to garner some attention. (You don’t need to be terribly helpful or offer a lot of insight. Just tell things as you see them and your readers will invariably respond.)

Write About Twitter – It’s rare to find a regular Twitter user that doesn’t have an opinion or two about the service, company, or community that is Twitter. If you write an article about Twitter that fewer than 100 bloggers have written about already, you can be certain of comments from the Twitter-crazed masses. (Go overboard on this and you end up the mockery of your readers.)

Write Short Articles – A best-case scenario involves a visitor spending 3-5 minutes on your blog. That’s just enough time to read a 300 word article and craft a brief comment in response. Learn to pack a lot of goodness into a small space and you’ll reap the benefits of comments from joyful readers who gladly reply to your blurb with a comment.
Be Unexpected – Find a way to surprise your readers and they will always respond with a comment. How can you do this? Ask them to disagree with you or provide some evidence that you’re wrong about something. (Readers are often glad to disagree with you if they know you won’t take the disagreement personally. Surprise them with a welcome to disagree and watch the discussions pile up!)

Make Announcements – Marriage, weightloss, death, celebrations, etc. Announcements are great comment-getters for two reasons. 1. They’re usually quite short and to the point. 2. Readers don’t have to think long and hard about the appropriate response. (Make it easy for readers to contribute and they often will!)

Write For Yourself – The best way to get more comments than you know what to do with is to write articles that you personally find interesting. Use the social media platforms you enjoy most to share those articles with others and don’t stress out when comments don’t pile up on every article you publish. Life isn’t fair, the internet is full of weirdos, and it’s likely that your best article (in your estimation) will be one of your least-popular ones. (This is very true in my case.)

You may find some of these concepts boring and old hat. However, I’m hoping there are a few new thoughts in the mix that spark some ideas about how you can encourage your readers to interact with you more. Take the good bits home to your blog and play around with them. Find out what works best for you. A sustainable and interesting blog is one written by an author who truly takes joy in the blogging process. Best of luck!

Yash Bhandari

Posted by Unknown 16:12 No comments
Hi there,
This is YASH(YesAskSoHelp)

Throughout the world, language resides as a barrier between cultures. The spread of technology and global business ventures turned language into a barrier that needed overcoming. As a result, there are a few languages that have taken a leading role as a common tongue throughout the world and English is one of them. To communicate business in anyway, you almost have to know English. If you live in the U.S, it is possible to get by without being fluent in the legal language of this country, but it will make life incredibly difficult. Not having a strong base in the English language puts limiters on what a person can accomplish in this country. It is necessary to overcome an obstacle of this size to achieve your goals and make use of other opportunities that may find you. Knowing the native tongue of this country gives a person options and a chance to find their own way to living well. Open doors and stop limiting yourself, Learn English and start living the life you want.

As we have all heard before, knowledge is power. When that knowledge involves the leading method of communication, then it is a power that acts as the key to all the locks around. Do not be fooled, the locks are everywhere. You cannot get most jobs offered without knowing English. You cannot raise higher in any business organization without knowing how to communicate in English. Healthcare is mostly handled in English, so if you cannot speak it, how will you properly maintain your health and the health of your loved ones? Driving, finding good deals, keeping up with current events and everything else is done in English. Not learning it or not becoming fluent in it is creating a handicap for yourself. It is like cutting off a limb; in this case, perhaps two.

Advancing down a path to a better life will eventually, require that you know the English language. One of the main tools for bettering life is furthering ones own education. If you live in the U.S, education is handled in English. The dots connect themselves.

If you are not fluent or at least have a firm grasp of the language, then gaining one should be your first priority. It is the biggest problem anyone not fluent faces in this country, when trying to make their way. There are accredited organizations that can and will help anyone improve their skills with English. Learn English and start unlocking the doors to a better life.

Yash Bhandari
Posted by Unknown 16:00 No comments
Hi there,
This is YASH(YesAskSoHelp)

Forgiveness is such a misunderstood term and subject. For many who have been traumatized, hurt, injured emotionally, mentally or physically the idea of forgiveness is difficult to grasp especially in the initial moments of the wounding. The most important idea that I wish to convey here is that forgiveness has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other person or their actions or behaviors. Forgiveness doesn't condone violence, bad behavior or abuse. Nor does it absolve the perpetrator from responsibility for his or her actions. Forgiveness is about releasing the story, the pain, the drama and the trauma from your world. Forgiveness is all about you!

When we are wounded, the wounding can take place on a multitude of levels. Sometimes the wound is obvious - a black eye, a bloody nose, a fat lip, a broken leg, often times though the wounds are not so visible, emotional blackmail, a broken heart, a constant stream of negative actions or belittling words, that permeate the emotional and mental bodies. In all cases the wounds show up in the energetic field.

The luminous energy field stores all wounds from this life and from all of our previous lives. In this field the energy of the experience lives and continues to draw to us additional experiences that "irritate" or "activate" the wound until it has finally been brought to the surface of the soul and released. This is why we often find ourselves living the same dynamics over and over again with different faces and different "sets" of circumstances by the same story. The only way out of this triangle of trauma is through - Through the power of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is about releasing at every level all of the stored energy around the experience of the wounding. So what does that mean? Well when we release or let go of the wound at the spiritual or essential level there is a cascading or domino effect in all aspects of our lives. We begin to think more clearly, we begin to feel freer, we experience health and wholeness in the mind, the body and the spirit.

How do I get this release you might ask? There are many modalities of energy healing that will help you to "get at" these issues at the deepest levels. Some, like body work, work to clear things at the cellular level include massage, cranio sacral therapy, myo facial release, Unlimited Body, Thai Yoga Massage and others that you can investigate to see what works for you. Other methods include hands on energy work like reiki, Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, IET, Quantum Touch, Laying on of Hands, Sound Healing and more. Spiritual psychology, bi-lateral stimulation, bio-feedback, EMDR psycho drama, past life regression, hypnotherapy and other modalities can assist in clearing the mind as well as the neurobiological system.

The most effective method I have found for myself has been a combination of modalities with the deepest and most profound being Shamanic Medicine Work. Shamanic work in the Peruvian tradition includes Illumination which is a clearing of the chakras and filling them with light, Extraction which is the removal of crystallized energies and entities, and Soul Retrieval work where contracts that have been made at the soul level can be re-written and lost soul parts and quantum packets of energy are brought back to the Light Body for integration and a return to the path of destiny. One of the many benefits of Light Body work or Shamanic Medicine work is the ability to dispense entirely with engaging in the "Story" of the wound, whether from a past or a present life or both. The work is so profound because it works at the essential or soul matrix level.

The most beautiful of the gifts that we receive when we engage in this deep inner work of bringing to the surface that which we need to release is the incredible sense of freedom and lightness that comes from the process of forgiveness. We can journey through our remaining days unshackled to old wounds and past hurts, and we can use our prodigious life force energy instead to create beauty, peace, harmony and joy for ourselves, our families, our communities and the world. Find the path to forgiveness today - you'll be glad that you did.

Yash Bhandari

Posted by Unknown 15:44 No comments
Hi there,This is YASH(YesAskSoHelp)

Have you ever walked out of a meeting, a new business pitch or a presentation where everything went just perfect - and you said; wow, what a wicked meeting or team, we did a wicked job? Those situations where everything went as planned and not a thing was out of place, a perfect 5 out of 5 stars?

Well, that's exactly what I am referring to when I refer to the word wicked. I am talking about being a wicked leader in not only those 5 star situations but also in those less than perfect and stressful situations.

Effective leaders know how to manage themselves in just about all situations and it doesn't happen by chance! It begins and ends with self leadership.

Your ability to effectively or ineffectively manage yourself in both good and bad situations will speak volumes about the type of leader that you are and will influence your teams dynamic in a positive manner.

Taking the time to manage your own self leadership skills and perform in a "wicked" manner in any climate, will result in you moving in the right direction of being an effective leader.

Now let's get more detailed on exactly what constitutes a wicked performance. A wicked performance is one where you have almost all of the answers and can perform confidently and with poise. In those situations you are prepared, everything is executed as planned and you receive a positive response from your audience or client - what ever the situation might be.

Ideally your goal is to be just as wicked in stressful situations as you are in successful ones.

Here are a few strategies to help you do exactly that.

1. Have a plan of how you will respond in these situations. A plan that has been prepared and practiced ahead of time.

2. Know how to confidently and comfortably say "I don't know" - with your back straight and looking straight in the person eyes. But don't stop there, let them know that you will get back to them with the required answer or information as soon as you can. And get back to them with in ASAP.

3. Listen with an open mind and please don't make assumptions or paraphrase what someone has said. As humans we tend to tend to react and think after. Listen and hear what they are saying and try to view what they are sharing from their perspective.

4. Ask the right questions. When situations go down the wrong path it is often because one party feels like they aren't being understood or heard or what is in front of them was not what they expected. The questions you ask will allow you to get all the right information, allow the other party to clearly be heard and ensure that you have all of the details covered when you get back to them or rectify the situation.

Learning the right techniques to manage yourself effectively in every situation takes planning and practice. The same way you practice and perfect a presentation is the same way you need to approach managing yourself.


Yash Bhandari
Posted by Unknown 15:15 No comments
I finished the final draft of my first novel in mid-July, and while I was working on it, I was crazy in love with the idea and the characters. But now a month and a half has gone by since I finished it, and I know I should be working on something new, but I have yet to come up with a new idea that I love as much as I loved that one.

I've come up with many crappy ideas since then, each of which sounded good at first, but then as I started writing them out, I realized that they were not characters or ideas I'd want to devote another year and a half (or so) of my life to and I set them aside.

Do you always fall in love with your novels/ideas/characters right at the start, or can you learn to love a so-so concept (sort of like an arranged marriage) as long as you work at it hard enough?
Posted by Unknown 14:45 No comments
An interesting aspect of blog comments is the fact that people who leave comments on your blog can also leave links to other blogs or websites or their own blogs to further the conversation. These links can be a great resource to help you find new blogs to read, like-minded bloggers, and new post ideas. Additionally, bloggers can leave trackbacks on your blog through blog comments when they link to your blog posts on their blogs. Trackbacks are another great way to help you build relationships with other bloggers as well as to drive new traffic to your blog from the links on those other blogs.
Posted by Unknown 14:43 No comments
Blog comments are the lifeblood of a blog. Comments are what separates a blog from a static website. As the conversation builds, so will your relationship with your readers and so will your blog's popularity. Encourage your readers to join in the discussion and leave comments and respond promptly to the comments left by your readers to make them feel valued. Just as you don't like to be ignored when you address someone in person, you don't want to ignore your readers when they address you through a blog comment.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Posted by Unknown 21:46 No comments
Don’t sacrifice the quality of your research paper with those services that offer free access to their databases. Though you are going to spend a little amount by ordering from a reliable company, you can assure that your paper will only be written by an expert. 

Here, you will get papers made from thorough research. And rest assured that you will also not spot even a single spelling, grammar, or punctuation error. So no need for you to procrastinate. Get your 100% original and error-free research paper from our team of professional writers. Just place your order and wait for your paper to be delivered right into your inbox.
Posted by Unknown 21:45 No comments
The only person who can come up with a high-quality research paper is a qualified writer. And for over 10 years of successful operations in this field, we have already employed more than a hundred of professional writers. Our staff  can help you get through with any of your writing needs. We are ready to complete your research paper before deadline hits the clock. We have already served thousands of other students and hope we can also do the same for you.
Posted by Unknown 21:35 No comments

Hi there,

This is YASH(YesAskSoHelp)

And today i will tell u about Masters Degree

Firstly of all,

Today, everything that we come across has some technological connotation to it. Be it at home, school or workplace, technology has found a comfortable niche and has become an integral part of life. With the use of technology, several arenas are seeing changes and education is also one of them. The birth of educational technology has proved to be a boon to students the world over. Not only in the regular setting, but also in educating students with special needs have known to be benefited with the introduction of this modern invention. Let us now discuss the uses and benefits of educational technology in this modern-day setting.

What is Educational Technology?
The term 'educational technology' has a broad perspective and is also referred to as instructional technology or learning technology. This method plays a vital role in enhancing the learning process of students and also assists teachers in communicating with the students in an easy way. Educational technology can be a classroom affair, or can be even taken out of the classroom. This technology has successfully transformed the stereotypical image of classrooms into a modern and more interesting one. Thanks to this modern development, classrooms are no longer a boring place and learning is actually a fun experience. With the use of computers and software programs, which provide learning materials, technology has changed education to a great extent.

Educational Technology Benefits
There are a number of benefits of introducing technology in the field of education. There has been a positive impact of technology on education. Virtual classrooms have made learning easier for the student community. With the potential use of technology, the learning speed and style have undergone a sea change and communication has become easier. Here are some of the benefits of educational technology.

    * One of the benefits of educational technology for students is that it helps them improve their learning capabilities. Since it is one field which is constantly changing, new updates can be easily introduced to the students and class plans can be prepared with the help of the software.

    * In the earlier days, education was considered to be mostly for the elite class and people under other strata were quite ignorant of it. With the introduction of educational technology, there is no discrimination and everyone is equally accessible to get educated.

    * The information can be portrayed in various ways with the help of study materials. Knowledge has become easily accessible to students in every part of the world with the implementation of technology in the field of education. Online classrooms help students to interact with other students belonging to the same stream, but located somewhere else in the world.

    * Since the Internet is the main medium and other things like handheld tablet PCs and smart boards have entered the arena, students do not have to carry heavy backpacks loaded with books. They can walk in comfortably to the classroom where these equipment are already placed.

    * With the birth of virtual classrooms, the instructor from any part of the world can teach the learner (or learners) who may be living at the other end. The reach of this technology is quite far and students living in the remote parts can also avail it with ease.

    * In special education, the educational technology has brought about a sea change where the needs of students are catered to in a different manner. With the introduction of the software which teaches students with special needs, the appropriate study materials are designed so that learning is comfortable.

With the inclusion of technology, the concept of education is undergoing a modification, for the betterment of the students as well as the teachers. Hence, the introduction of technology is important in education. Thanks to educational technology, now learning and teaching have become an enjoyable experience.


Yash Bhandari

Posted by Unknown 21:32 No comments

Hi there,

This is YASH(YesAskSoHelp)

And today i will tell u about Masters Degree

Firstly of all,

Nursing is one of the most popular careers. This is because many people view it as a secure profession. Today, there are many institutions offering training in this field. However, not all of them are offering the best quality of education you may want for your loved one.

As such, you need to be cautious when choosing the institution where to study for your nursing programs. This is very important because nursing programs offered by an institution will determine the kind of education you or your loved one get. To ensure that you get the best, you need to consider the following:

• Specialties: You need to consider the specialty you want to choose. Find out if this specialty is available in the institution, you enroll in for your studies. This field of professionalism is more than just a profession. It requires people with passion for helping and caring for the sick. As such, you need to get a specialty that you are comfortable with. A field that you will not have any problem helping the sick.

• You also need to ensure that the institution you enroll in for your studies is accredited. This is very important since no institution can be accredited if it is offering poor quality education. As such, you need to do some research on the institution before enrolling for your studies.

• You also need to find out about the fee. Studying for this profession may be expensive for some people. As such, you need to ensure that you will afford the fee. If you cannot, find out if the institution has any means of helping needy students.

• Make sure that you also meet the required conditions for admission. Some institutions will have pre-admission exams or tests. This is very important as it will help you know if you qualify for the nursing programs that you or your loved one want to pursue.

• It is also important that you find out about clinical rotation. These are very important when completing your coursework. A school that provide enough time for clinical rotation is the best to enroll for your studies. Placement for these clinicals should also be varied properly and offer quality hands-on experience. Getting such information before enrolling for your studies is very important.

• Knowing the pass rate of exams offered by an institution is also very important. This will enable you find out what to expect when you enroll for the nursing programs offered by an institution.


Yash Bhandari

Posted by Unknown 21:25 No comments

Educational games have always been important additions to the classroom. From games that aid in spelling and vocabulary, such as Hangman and Scrabble to games that help students learn how to think critically, like Brain Teasers to some games that help improve memory like those in which you flip cards over and try to remember where the matching card was placed, games have been an integral part of every child's educational experience. As a teacher, it is important to play games with your students to spark their interest for learning and allow your students to have a little fun in the midst of classroom work. Some might say this is not a beneficial practice to engage in with your students, but if the games you play are educational and fun, everyone benefits. These games can also be used as rewards and positive reinforcement for good behavior and good work in class.

Apples to Apples

Apples to Apples is an awesome card game produced by Mattel. This game is deceptively simple and really fun to play with groups of people, whether in class or at a party. With this game, there are two sets of cards: red apple cards and green apple cards. The red apple cards have nouns (person, place, thing, or idea) on them. These nouns are often famous people (like "Mel Gibson"), concepts (like "Feminism"), or extraordinary events (like "My High School Prom"). The green apple cards have adjectives (words that describe a noun) on them. The goal of the game is to match your red apple cards with the green apple card that is drawn. In each round, each player gets five red apple cards and a judge is appointed. That judge draws a green apple card and announces the word. Each player (the judge does not play) puts a red apple card down-face down so the judge cannot see - that pairs well with the word on the green apple card. The judge then decides who put the best word in, and that person gets the green apple card. Whoever has the most green apple cards at the end, wins. This game can get students thinking about word choice in literature and in their own writing, as well as what makes certain pairings sad or funny. Students will also learn new words by being exposed to things they are not necessarily familiar with.

Hink Pink

Hink Pink is a great brainteaser game made by Discovery Bay Games. In this game, there are cards that have riddles on them, and students need to think about the answer to the riddles in order to receive points. The answers to the riddles are always two words, and they always rhyme. They also always fall into one of three categories: Hink Pinks are two one-syllable words that rhyme, Hinky Pinkys are two two-syllable words that rhyme, and Hinkity Pinkitys are two three-syllable words that rhyme. If the teacher is calling out the riddles, he or she will tell the students if it is a Hink Pink, Hinky Pinky, or Hinkity Pinkity, then read the riddle. For example, the teacher might say: "Hink Pink: A chocolate connoisseur." Then, the students would answer "Fudge Judge." There are many worksheets and educational activities online that a quick internet search will give you. However, if you buy the game, there is also a timer that can be used with smaller groups. Using the cards alone, though, is a great way to get students involved when you have a few extra minutes at the end of class.
Posted by Unknown 21:24 No comments

It has often seemed strange to many that people in senior positions of responsibility, such as fire chiefs and city managers appear to have reached their level without any structured training. Of course, real world experience is important - and perhaps many years ago this was all that was required - but in today's world things have changed. There is a lot more to such roles and anyone with a public administration masters degree will find himself or herself in a very strong position the next time such a role has to be filled.

This is not to say real world experience should be in any way undervalued, but the simple fact is that such roles demand a greater breadth of knowledge than ever before and anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in the government and non-profit sector will be in a much stronger position, as well as being much better equipped, with such a qualification behind them.

One of the reasons this is so important is that public administrators have specific needs that only a tailored course can cater to and it is therefore essential that any course studied takes these needs into account.

For someone wanting to work (or improve their position) in areas as diverse as Homeland Security, fire service administration or criminal justice, a MPA degree (Master of Public Administration) can be the key to the door of career success.

Of course, there can be a real stumbling block. Many people interested in such a course may already be working full time and/or have childcare to arrange. Sadly, in the past this has been a Catch 22 for many people and they have had to miss out on what would have been a potentially life changing course. Fortunately, some of the better colleges understand this situation and have gone out of their way to introduce such courses that can be studied online.

The difference this can make to the student's life sometimes has to be seen to be believed. Online study for a public administration masters degree opens up a whole new vista of possibilities and enables the student to plan their study around their own circumstances. This could be while the children are at school, after a full time job or on weekends. The point is that the flexibility of such an arrangement enables the student to receive first class tuition and cutting edge materials without having to choose between paying the bills and doing the course.

It may even be possible to receive financial aid to help cover costs while studying. To this end, it makes sense to look for not just a college with a good reputation for its courses, but one that is happy to help students with their financial arrangelents and point them in the right direction.

This commitment to getting the best financial aid along with the flexibility of the online study model will really help separate the better colleges from the rest. It is important for students to realize that even if they do not need to take advantage of all these services, the very fact that they are offered provided a good indication of the college's commitment to its students.

The best advice for any potential student is to look online for a college that provides a public administration masters degree and to take a quick look around the college's website. If the college offers online study and financial assistance, it should be made clear without too much searching. If found, the student can rest assured that the college will be perfectly placed to help advance the student's career in public administration.
Posted by Unknown 21:21 No comments
You'd be surprised how many people don't realize the amount of education that goes into obtaining a HR degree. Some people don't even know you need a degree to work in HR! It is crazy how many new things I learn from constantly taking classes on new ideas, methods and practices. All of the techniques I am taught help to make my company a better place to work. You'd be surprised how many people like the new attendance tracking software I just took a course on! I think the people who are always on time were getting a little annoyed with the ones who always show up late. This has helped get them the recognition they deserve!
Posted by Unknown 21:18 No comments

Hi there,

This is YASH(YesAskSoHelp)

And today i will tell u about Masters Degree

Firstly of all,

Of all the academic disciplines, human resources is one of the newest. Yet for all its relative youth, it has already become established as a popular degree course that has real world value for thousands of students. It should therefore come as little surprise that the demand for an advanced level of study has been so strong. To this end, the human resources masters degree has become a much sought after qualification.

Seen by many as the best possible starting point for a career in the industry, the masters degree can offer its students cutting edge study, along with the level of advanced study that will give them the edge in their field of business.

Of course, as with all such courses, there can be a problem that affects a large proportion of prospective students. Many people are working or have childcare arrangements (or indeed both) and simply do not have the time to study full or even part time. Whereas once this would have been the end of any dream to study and enhance one's career prospects, there is now a solution that opens up the world of study to thousands of people.

Taking a human resources masters degree online allows prospective students to study in a course that they can fit in with their own personal circumstances and fit around their daily lives. To this end, it therefore makes sense that any such student should invest some time in making sure they choose the best establishment at which to study.

Just as not all full time courses in the same subject are of the same quality, so too is the situation with online courses. For this reason, the potential student of such a course should look for a university that can provide a number of key things that will make it stand out as one of the better establishments.

Perhaps the most important of these is that the university is highly ranked in independent assessments of the quality of its teaching and courses. This is easy to discover as any university that has been highly ranked will publicize the fact on their website, so it may well pay to avoid any where no mention of their standing can be seen.

The next thing to look for is the details of the course itself. Look for a commitment to equal the level of study offered by a conventional campus. The best universities will know that an online degree is the equal of a campus based one, so look for information that stresses this fact.

One of the best ways to ensure this is the case is to take a look at the members of faculty. Expect to see experts in their fields; however, on its own this is not enough. There is little point in having first class staff if the students cannot gain access to their knowledge. To this end, look for a pledge that these members of staff will be available for mentoring and coaching. After all, this can make all the difference in any program of study.

Once the quality of the staff has been ascertained, it will pay to have a close look at what can be expected from the course. Students should expect one of the better universities to offer a course that covers everything from managing collective bargaining negotiations to devising and implementing strategic game plans.

Following these points will mean that the choice for an online human resources masters degree is made easier as the best universities will be selected. From this point on the student will stand the best possible chance of choosing the course that will help set them on the road to a successful career.


Yash Bhandari

Posted by Unknown 18:59 No comments
Google search was created in 1997 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and today it performs more than three billion searches daily. These searches are done across trillions of web pages that Google reports to be around 95petabytes in size approximately.
According to Google they use special software known asGooglebot running on a large number of computers to crawl the web. It starts from the last status that it crawled and looks for new sites, updated current sites and invalid links. Google don’t accept money to favour one page over the other by crawling it more often. Now that the pages have been crawled the crawlers report the pages that they have visited and thus the 95petabyte index is updated. Google search doesn’t just visits the pages and shows result but there are several other factors that are kept in mind before showing relevant results in search. Some of the factors are known while others are kept confidential as unfair means may be tried to unfairly rig the system.
Some of the known factors are:-
  • Type of content (Relevancy of Data)
  • Quality of content
  • Freshness of the content
  • Authenticity of the site
  • Name and address of the website
  • Social media promotions
  • Number of link points to a particular web page
  • Value of those links.

The last two processes involve an important process known as “Pagerank”. These rates the web pages based on a score. Sites are assigned these scores based on where their links come from i.e. which authority, traffic, authenticity and well established pages. 
Posted by Unknown 18:51 No comments
Google search was created in 1997 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and today it performs more than three billion searches daily. These searches are done across trillions of web pages that Google reports to be around 95petabytes in size approximately.
According to Google they use special software known asGooglebot running on a large number of computers to crawl the web. It starts from the last status that it crawled and looks for new sites, updated current sites and invalid links. Google don’t accept money to favour one page over the other by crawling it more often. Now that the pages have been crawled the crawlers report the pages that they have visited and thus the 95petabyte index is updated. Google search doesn’t just visits the pages and shows result but there are several other factors that are kept in mind before showing relevant results in search. Some of the factors are known while others are kept confidential as unfair means may be tried to unfairly rig the system.
Some of the known factors are:-
  • Type of content (Relevancy of Data)
  • Quality of content
  • Freshness of the content
  • Authenticity of the site
  • Name and address of the website
  • Social media promotions
  • Number of link points to a particular web page
  • Value of those links.

The last two processes involve an important process known as “Pagerank”. These rates the web pages based on a score. Sites are assigned these scores based on where their links come from i.e. which authority, traffic, authenticity and well established pages. 
Posted by Unknown 18:50 No comments
We should never trust anyone for no helps u when  we really need their help
as for example,we need fund for my upcomming magazine...but no body helps.
this is a fact.
This made me question myself

Friday, December 20, 2013

Posted by Unknown 12:04 No comments

Posted by Unknown 11:57 No comments
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Posted by Unknown 00:20 No comments
Steps in Surya Namaskar
Soorya Namaskar-Sthiti : From Aarama, come to Soorya Namaskar-Sthiti (starting posture) in 3 counts: Ek-Do-Teen. These are the actions to be performed in three counts.
Ek: Join the heels, hands on the side, fingers facing down and palm open.
Do: Join the toes.
Teen: Join your hands to form Namaste position. Palms should be pressing against each other and the thumb joint should be at sternum (Solar Plexes).
In this posture, breathing is normal and slow. Face should be normal and relaxed.
Step One: As you breathe in... Slowly raise your hands with biceps touching the ears and hands in namaste posture. Slowly bend backwards from your waist. Do not bend the knees. Look towards your palm.
Step Two: While breathing out... Slowly bend forward from the waist. Try to touch your palm to the floor on either side of your legs. Do not bend the knees. Nose should touch the knees. People with back problems should not bend too much. Bend only as much it is comfortable.
Step Three: As you breathe in... [Note: The description is for odd numbered namaskars (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.) For even numbered ones (2nd, 4th,..) interchange left and right leg]. Take your left foot back. Left knee should touch the floor. Two palms should be completely on the ground and the right foot should be in between the two hands. Fingers should be pointing to the front. Lean forward on the right knee, so that calf and thigh muscles press against each other chest rests on the thigh. Look up and make a concave on your back.
Step Four : While breathing out... Take right foot back and join with left foot. Arms should be straight. Most of the weight will be on the arms. The body should be in one plane like a slide. Look 5 feet in front of you on the floor.
Step Five : Bend your arms and touch your feet, knees, chest and forehead to the ground. Do not touch abdomen or nose (you don't want to breathe in the dust!)
Step Six: As you breathe in... Come forward and bend back as much as you can. Abdomen should come between your hands. Look back from the top. Two legs should be join
Step Seven : While breathing out... Form a mountain like posture. Push your chin towards the chest. Heels should touch the floor.
Step Eight : As you breathe in..[Note: The description is for odd numbered namaskars (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.). For even numbered ones (2nd, 4th,..) replace left leg with right leg] bring your left foot forward all the way between the hands. Exactly like step three.
Step Nine : While breathing out...Bring the right foot forward and stand up as in Do.
Step Ten : Back to Surya Namaskar Sthiti.
At the end of all the Soorya Namaskars, give the command "Aarama" Ek-Do-Teen. Ek: Drop the hands on your sides. Palm facing down. Do: Spread the toes and form V-Shape with the feet. Teen: Aarama position
Posted by Unknown 00:18 No comments
Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar is a combination of few Yogasana postures. This is a well balanced set of movements that will stretch all the muscles in the body and keep the body and mind healthy. There are 13 mantras which are different names of Sun God. We should chant a mantra before each Surya Namaskar.
Om Mitraaya Namah
Om Ravaye Namah
Om Suryaaya Namah
Om Bhaanave Namah
Om Khagaaya Namah
Om Puushne Namah
Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namah
Om Mareechaye Namah
Om Aadityaaya Namah
Om Savitre Namah
Om Arkaaya Namah
Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah
Om Shree Savitru Suurya Naaraayanaaya Namah
By YASH(YesAskSoHelp)
Posted by Unknown 00:10 No comments
Surya Namaskar, is central
to many systems of Hatha Yoga. A flowing sequence of
postures linked by the breath, it is an elaborate form of
calisthenics that can tone and strengthen the body and
warm it up in preparation for other poses. Some systems
of yoga, such as the various Vinyasa forms, place great
emphasis on the sun salute, either in whole or in part, to
link diff erent categories of pose to each other, whereas
in other systems, such as the Iyengar
method, it is used only occasionally,
either to stir up the energy of a fl agging
class or as a preparation for poses that
require upper body strength, such as
It is extremely easy to get carried away with the
sun salutation. Moving quickly from pose to pose often
means sacrifi cing attention to detail. Sometimes the idea
is presented that as long as you are present and breathing
properly, you cannot injure yourself. I would dispute this
notion strongly. The major diffi culty with the repetitious
nature of the sequence is a dulling of awareness and a
falling into habit. Better to move slowly and deliberately
as you make the complicated transitions from pose to
pose, staying mindful and engaged with your body at
all times. Be especially careful at the beginning of the
practice, when the body is not fully warmed up and the
mind not quite awakened to the body’s needs. Step
forward and back whenever necessary, especially if the
shoulders or back become challenged.
Apply the knowledge of your own
body you have acquired in class learning
other poses to the sequence.
If the back is tight or sore, or
the hamstrings are tight, do Tadasana
(Mountain Pose) and Uttanasana
(Intense Stretch Pose) with the feet hip
width apart. Go forward from on to the
other with the hands on the hips and
bend the legs slightly.
If there is any problem with the
shoulders, avoid Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed
Staff Pose) completely and substitute Plank Pose. If
the wrists or back are tight, Plank Pose might work as a
substitute for Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (Upward Facing
Dog Pose) as well.
If in doubt, never feel you have to begin with
the Sun Salutation. Perhaps beginning with a softer, or
even restorative, pose would be more appropriate.
That said, Surya Namaskar is a fun and energizing
sequence worth practicing whenever a burst of energy is needed.
Please note that not all exercises presented here are suitable for everyone, and this or any exercise program may result in injury. Please be sure to consult with
your physician before beginning this, or any, exercise program. While the author and publisher have made every eff ort to ensure that the exercises herein are
accurate and safe, they are not responsible for adverse eff ects or consequences sustained by any person using this information.
Posted by Unknown 00:08 No comments
A new Motivational poem on the account of the occasion of Independence Day in India, te poem is given by

Let me tell you about a country, 

Where every person can make their destiny.

It has innumerable religion,

But every person have equal visions.

We just don’t worship God,

Even the non-living object can be our lord.

We just don’t make friends,

We make family.

That’s why we are living happily.

Taj Mahal is our pride,

River Ganga is holy, clean and wide.

Nalanda University is very old,

Even the Gurudwara is made up of gold.

We have equality among men and women,

Since we are not two species, we are all human.

We made the 1st Indian civilization,

This helped the world going in transformation.

Our country has its beauty,

Keeping it clean is our duty.

We keep foreigners as our guest,

And we treat them best.

If u can’t believe come to our nation,

India won’t be a place for your vacation,

Rather you will accept it as your destination.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Posted by Unknown 23:59 No comments
Engineering is the discipline art and profession that applies scientific theory to design,develop and analyze technological solutions about engineering education,it is activity of teaching knowledge and principales related to the professional practice of engineering.It includes the intial education for becoming an engineering.
·        Engineering education has many branches and new braches evolve in due of advancment of technology.this section consist of brief konwledge of the major basic branches.

       I.            Mechanical Engineering(ME):It is one of the oldest and brodest engineering stream.Mechanical branch is the branch of engineering that involves the producation and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design,producation and operation of machines and tools.

In engineering education,mechanical engineers require a solid understanding of key concepts including mechanics,kinematics,thjermodynamics,energy and manufacturing.

Work Field:They use these principles in the design and anallyzing of automobiles,aircraft,heating and cooling systems,building and bridges,industrial equipment & machinery and many more.

     II.            Electrical Engineering(EE):Electrical is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity,electrons and electromagnetism.
In engineering education,electrical engineers are considered to deal with the problems associated with systems such as electric power transmission and electrical machines.they are usually concerned with using electricity to transmit electric power.

Work Field: engineering education,Electical engineers have contributed to the development of a wide range of technologies.they design,develop,test and supervise the development of electrical systems and electronic devices.

  III.            Electronics & Communication Engineering(ECE):Electronics and communication engineering is a swiftly advancing field,with new ideas emerging every other second.the term denotes a broad engineering field that covers important subfields such as analog electronics,digital electronics,consumer electronics,embedded systems and power electronics.
In engineering education,electronics engineers design and test circuits that use the electromagnetic properties of electrical components such as resistors,capacitors,inductors,diodes and transistors to achieve a particular functionality.

Work Field:electronics engineering deals with implementation of application,principles and alogorithms developed within many relted fields,for examples:solid-state physics,radio engineering,telecommunications,control systems,signal processing,system engineering,electric power control,robotics.

  IV.            Electronics Instrumentation & Control(EIC): It is associated part of the eletronics engineering.EIC is loosely defined the required tasks are very domain dependent.
In engineering education,EIC engineers are focus on the principal of measuring instruments that are used in design and configuration of automatrial systems in electrical,pneumatic domain.

Work Field:they are commonly responsibal for integrating the sensors with the records,transmitters,displays or control systems.The may be responsibal for calibration,testing and maintenance of the systems

    V.            Computer  Science & Engineering(CSE):Computer engineering is adiscipline that integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer science required to develop computer hardware and software.
In engineering education,computer engineers include writing software,designing VLSI chips,designing analog sensors,designing mixed signal circuit boards and designing operating systems and they are also suited for robotics research.

Work Field:Computer software engineers develop design and test software.some software engineers design,constract and maintain computer programs for companies.
Most of computer hardware engineers reasearch,develop,design and test various computer equipment.

  VI.            Information Technology(IT):The web has changed the way the worlds looks at information technology is the applicationof computers and telecommunication equipment to store,retrieve,transmit and manipulate data.
In engineering education,information technology engineers focus on meeting the needs of users within anorganizational and societal context through the selection,creation,application,integration and adminstration of computing technologies.

Work Field:IT specialists assume responsibility for selecting products appropriate for an organization,integration those products with organizational needs and infrastructure and installing,customissingand
maintaining those applications for the organization’s computer users.
“Innovation is not just about discovery it’s about the application of discoveries to create value of some kind”
By YASH(YesAskSoHelp)http://yesasksohelp.blogspot.in/






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