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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Posted by Unknown 23:41 No comments
I believe that it is fair to say that most people are striving to achieve some type of success, whether it is success in their personal or professional life or both. In their quest to become a leader in their own right, many people keep going and going like the energizer bunny.

Unfortunately there is one thing that far too many people have in common, and that is that they believe that there is not enough hours in the day. Many describe it as feeling like they are in a rat race that never ends. The days seem fused together; they are always on the go and feel like they never get a chance to slow down.

The reality is that you will never slow down if you do not make an intentional effort to do so. You have to make the time and reclaim some time in your day for you, and you only. Here are 3 steps to help you find and reclaim that time.

Step 1
Start with identifying what you time really looks like, through "your" lens. I want you to identify what you time includes. If you had a full day to yourself, with no responsibilities whatsoever, what would you do? I mean what really relaxes you? I want you to make an exhaustive list. Now, out of your list, which one thing can you tailor down and realistically do everyday? I mean an express version, where you can still get similar relaxation benefits in about 30 minutes?

Step 2
Break your day into 4 quadrants. Morning, early afternoon, late afternoon and evening. Morning is from when you wake up in the morning to 12 noon, early afternoon is 12noon to about 3pm, late afternoon is 3pm - 6pm and evening is 6pm until you shut your eyes and go to bed. I want you to identify what time of day you are most relaxed and least relaxed. Now, write down what makes that certain time of day very relaxing. Is it something about you personally, your energy level, your focus, the setting, the people around you? Make a list of the characteristics of this special time. Identify it and strategically use it to your advantage.

Step 3
The time of day that you have identified as being least relaxed is where I want you to reclaim 30 minutes of you time. Using the list you developed in step 1, and the characteristics you listed in step 2, I want you to re-create and reclaim you time and commit to doing this for 30 minutes everyday. The key is that you have to make a conscious choice and commitment to taking time out for you.

Always remember that what you do every day matters more than what you do every once in a while. Take ownership of your time and take care of you.

Yash Bhandari


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